Anyone have this? Pregnant?


Hi there. I have a 15 month old daughter who I had by C-section and we are not preventing for #2 hoping to ttc in fall if it doesn’t happen before then. Taking this approach cuz it took 2.5 stressful years trying for our daughter... anyway this month I’ve had every symptom I had with my daughter and a few other odd things but I he brown spotting on the 31st nothing on the 1st and red light bleeding the 2nd and nothing again for 24 hours now... I picked up a test today but could this be normal if I’m pregnant? Maybe since I had a C-section? I didn’t bleed or spot either my daughter but this is NOTHING like any period I’ve ever had! No heavy bleeding, no cramps, no clots, and just using panty liners...And the pregnancy symptoms throw me off! I’m scared if I am it’s a bad thing though...thanks in advance!