Boyfriend VS Virus

Hey everyone. So I need a few verses to pray on or just some prayers for my boyfriend. I'm a teen in high school, as well as my boyfriend. He plays a lot if sports and he is doing football. He goes to practice and they make him and the other players strictly follow the rules of covid but they are wanting the kids to play the real deal and that means breaking the 6ft rule. I won't be able to see him for 2 months because I don't want to endanger myself and my loved ones. I try to talk to him about how I feel, I've told him I'm not forcing him or trying to control him, or make him stop playing because football is something thieves and is a copeing method for him, I'm just really concerned about him and his safety/health. He gets upset with me when I tell hime how I feel and I'm not exactly sure what to do next. If I could get some prayers or some verses to pray, that would be great!