Emergency C-section


I had my son on January 15th, my due date wasn’t until February 1st. Went to the drs for a check-up/monitoring. While on the monitor the dr noticed I was having mild contractions (that I couldn’t even feel) and every time I would have a contraction my baby’s heart rate would go down. The dr then made the call to do an emergency c-section, the day I go to the drs alone and don’t bring his car seat, baby bag or my hospital bag and i live an hour away from the hospital. To top it off my other half is at work on the other side of the Island (I’m from Big Island, Hawaii) it was going to take him about 2 hours to get to me from where he was. As soon as I left the drs I had to go straight to the hospital and get myself admitted. I was hysterical, crying my eyes out. This was my first child and first surgery and thinking I was going to have to do it alone. My other half made it just in time, as the anesthesiologist was giving me the spinal anesthesia a nurse came in to the room to let us know that daddy has made it. Seeing him walk in was one of the biggest reliefs I have ever felt. A few minutes later our son was born, his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice which was causing his heart rate to go down. He is as healthy as can be, weighing 6lbs 3 1/2 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. I have never felt so blessed.