Positive tests post miscarriage

Georgia mumma to 👧🏻👶🏻 • Follow my YouTube channel for all things TTC and now my journey on bringing my first baby into the world ❤️

Hey lovely ladies,

I’m posting this on behave of a friend, I’m so lucky to be 8 + 5 weeks and my little bub is looking nice and healthy so far 🙏🙏🙏.

My friend unfortunately had a d & c at 8 weeks pregnant around a 7-8 weeks back, she had some problems with the d & c not taking all the tissue but she just had her first period I think after almost 2 months I think.

She has been taking pregnancy tests and they are showing faint lines and digitals are saying 1-2 weeks pregnant how ever her and her husband haven’t had sex since the d & c.

She thinks she may still be pregnant and it breaks my heart Because I believe it’s just the body getting over the miscarriage???

Anyway we are both pretty confused does anyone know why she would be having faint lines on tests?