
Do you guys think this is a BFP?? I’m testing in 2 days to see if it gets darker!🤍

So a little back story.. I got a positive ovulation on January 21st (not sure if it was peak) me and hubby had sex the 20th. We were hoping to wait a little longer to try for baby #3 so I took a Plan B on the 22nd.. well fast forward I missed my period on February 1st and took these two test this morning 😅

I have no idea how many DPO I am or if the Plan B pushed my ovulation to a later day.. I think I’m between 10-15 DPO but the line is pretty faint so it freaks me out.. with both of my girls the line was way darker so I’m just paranoid and not sure if I should believe it but I also know an LH test will be positive if you are pregnant so 🙃