Early periods since TTC


Hello guys, I’m hoping I could please get some inside about what is happening to me.

I have a 1 year year old which was conceived literally on the first time of trying- Thank God.

Now we have been trying to conceive for 5 months now with no luck.

First, my periods have always been on time but now since ttc they’ve been either 2 days earlier or 1 day earlier with painful cramps like from the day after ovulation till the day of my period which is strange because eu never used to have that.

Many at times I would think ooh, that’s implantation cramps but then AF shows up.

And strange enough, I look pregnant, the other day my mum asked me how far along I was 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I am not sure what to think of at this point, do I go see an oby/gyn, do need to take something to balance hormones. I am just confused and will appreciate any ideas.

Thank you all.