Will they stop my labor?


I’m 35+6 & a FTM & for over a week now I’ve been having prodromal labor until about 2A today when my contractions have gotten stronger & more consistent. (8mins apart each lasting 1-1.5 minutes) I haven’t gone to the hospital yet because I was told to wait until 5-1-1 but I was curious if I went in today would they stop the labor? Or would they let him come? I’m supposed to be induced on the 18th of this month anyways because of IUGR & a heart condition but I’m not sure if that plays a part in if they’re going to stop the contractions or not. Any advice? I’d like to wait until he’s term but I’m also so uncomfortable I kind of don’t mind it if he comes now.

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Posted at
Thank you ladies! currently being admitted to L&D at 4cm but they won’t give me pitocin until after 5cm. Fingers crossed I can meet my little man today & he’s healthy 🙏🏻🤞🏻


Brianna • Feb 5, 2021
Good luck!


Brianna • Feb 5, 2021
Oh my goodness! How exciting. I was going to say I had my last daughter at 35w5d


Posted at
My hospital doesn’t stop after 34. I just had mine at 34+4, and she had steroid shots at 25 weeks. I had pitocin in labor as well!


Ali • Feb 5, 2021
Yes at 34+4’


Brianna • Feb 5, 2021
Did you end up having your daughter


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They didn’t stop my labor at 35 weeks when I was going into preterm labor, just gave me steroid shots. I ended up having him a few days later.


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My hospital won’t do anything to help progress labor at that point, but also won’t stop labor either and just see what happens.


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My hospital will stop labor if your 36 weeks and under after 37 they won’t.


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Depends on the hospital my hospital won’t stop labor after 35 weeks.


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My hospital doesn't stop labor past 34 weeks. It also has a level III NICU so that may be why.


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I was just in the hospital with this issue at 35+5 days, I had contractions every 5-6 minutes for 12 hours straight and got to 4 cm and then they just stopped. She said between 35-37 weeks there’s a grey area where they won’t do anything to stop the labor but they also won’t do anything to help it along. So if you go in and aren’t progressing they’ll likely send you home.


Posted at
The likely would not stop labor. I actually just had a conversation with my OB last week and she said that after 34 weeks it is safer to progress with labor and have a preemie than it is to stop labor.