High medical bills???

For all US ladies.... Did you know that if medical expenses exceed 7.5% of your total income (you or you plus spouse, depending on how you file), you can deduct everything above the 7.5% from your taxes!!! Our accountant made us aware of that when we started planning for the pregnancy so we have diligently saved every receipt. We did <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> to get pregnant so we exceeded that cap long ago so we are looking forward to the tax deduction. We file jointly so anything (Rxs, dr visits, blood draws, etc) my hubby or I had all year counts. It only counts out of pocket expenses like copays and non covered items, not what insurance pays out. BUT, a tax deduction is a tax deduction!!
It's worth it to hire an accountant to do all the work for you, especially with all the medical expenses. Highly recommend getting one who can help you get all kinds of deductions you otherwise wouldn't have known about!!
Wanted to share in case anyone else can benefit!!!