Feeling lost.


So recently I found out I’m having a girl my first baby, We are naming her Willow, for the most part my pregnancy hasn’t been too bad, other then the first couple months of extreme morning sickness where I couldn’t eat for a long but it eventually got better. Now I am 25 weeks and 2 days and I had my second ultrasound for her yesterday. They say she’s looking healthy and developing okay just a little under the expected weight. After I got my glucose test done and I talk with my dr. She tells me that during my ultrasounds the technician noticed that my placenta is up high in the front but my cord in inserted on the edge. She said it’s not uncommon but something we are going to watch for. I’m going to be closely monitored throughout the rest of my pregnancy. Ultrasounds more often and by the next appointment they’ll determine if I need to see a feeding specialist. If that doesn’t work I will more then likely have to be admitted. Which I’m trying not to worry or anything , I’m just feeling so sad and not knowing what to expect or look for Incase of an emergency or how to eat better. I know a lot of women struggle with weight either gaining or loosing, and I can barely gain any and it worries me.