I just need advice😂

Kristina • Softball player for Byrnes High School
Okay, so my boyfriend & I dated for about a year and a half, the first year we were together everyday and then he went to college and the last 6 months were just super rocky and not very good. We ended things about 2 weeks ago. Well the night of thanksgiving, I was hanging out with my friend Daniel, who's extremely cute and every bit my type😍😍, and we got a little carried away in his truck (I know it's cliche but, I like redneck boys, what can I say? 😂) the day after that he posted on instgram and picture of another girl saying "I know I'm late, but extremely thankful for the fun times with you"......needless to say I was just a little caught off guard. I messaged him like normal and I get short little answers so I just quit texting him.  So, Uhm, what do I do? I have to see him tomorrow for first period and he sits in front of me😅