Milk duct lumps, painful. advice please?!


My girlfriend and I have a newborn of only 6 weeks. She had trouble lactating and was prescribed dolperidone. (or whatever its called)

She is able to breastfeed now and also pumps when she is free. However she has blockages which shows up as lumps on her breasts. They are painful to touch and go away eventually but we just want to know what people's experiences are with these? Are they common? I read that we should warm the breast with a hot towel before feeding. and express by hand during pumping.

Sometimes we can tell the baby isnt getting enough milk because shes still hungry after 1 hour of breastfeeding and we have to give her formula.

The amount of breastmilk to formula is now at 1:1

The baby is needing more and more milk. drinks 120-150ml now per feed.

My gf tries to breastfeeding whenever she can and pumps / breastfeeds every 4 hours roughly. We still have to supplement with formula which is not ideal.

Now because of the pain and the risk of infection. plus the fact that she is not getting out the amount of effort she is putting in, shes thinking of stopping breastfeeding. Its causing her stress understandbly and I always encourage her to follow her body and not do more than she can handle.

However I am aware of the advantages of breastmilk.

I feel like her breast milk isnt increasing fast enough to keep

pace with the babys demand. Yet

she is doing everything right AFAIK.

I know we need to book a lactation specialist but is there treatment for this? I dont want to give her false hope. She has breast implants from years ago if that makes any difference.