TTC and Uterus Scarring

My partner and I have been TTC for 10 months. I am 26 years old now, but I had chlamydia and PID as a teenager... because of this, my OBGYN recommended that I have a transvaginal ultrasound done to check my lady bits. While having my ultrasound done today, the tech got to my uterus and started asking me questions about if I had ever had an IUD, when it was removed, if there were complications when it was placed/removed and used the words “scarring” and “calcium deposit” when trying to figure out why my uterus looks the way it does. Has anyone experienced this? What was your outcome?

Even if you haven’t, please share your words of encouragement and prayers while I wait for my OBGYN to go over my test results with me. I want to be a mother so badly but I feel like the possibility of it happening keeps getting further and further out of reach.