14 dpo


Hi ladies so my period was supposed to be on the 4th and still nothing 🤷🏻‍♀️

I tested at 9 dpo and 11 dpo bfn

Since Tuesday my boobs have been sore and I’ve been having headaches i thought af was coming as I always have headaches and sore boobs before. Tuesday also had some cramps/pinching feeling on my left ovary for a few hours then it stopped.

My period last month came 2 days early does that mean it will be late this month? No idea when to test and I’m scared to do so 😞 getting my hopes up so much here 🤞 I don’t feel pregnant and don’t have any pregnancy symptoms

Also should mention I don’t track ovulation because it stresses me out but I’m pretty sure I ovulated 6 days after my period 🤷🏻‍♀️ short cycles usually 25days