Past trauma ruining my relationship HELP!

How do you ladies maintain a healthy relationship with your SO? I know that sounds like a ridiculous question but I grew up in a very unhealthy environment and for most part I made it out ok. I didn’t realize until recently that emotionally and mentally it has had a huge impact and has been affecting most of my adult relationships. I have been with my SO for 7 years but recently a lot of this trauma has started creep in (I didn’t even know that was possible after so many years) and have an affect on me. I see myself create problems where there is none and worry about woman that were in his past. A lot has to do with my anxiety, i struggle with self esteem issues and just learning on my own how a relationship is meant to be. Im scared that my SO is going to get tired of dealing with me as i struggle with my mental health. Has anyone been through it? How did you make it out? Im really struggling. I don’t want to lose him.