When to Test?


Hi ladies. This may seem like a dumb question but here I am. Ha.

I am 15 post ovulation. Aunt Flo was supposed to come yesterday. She did not. And nothing today either.

Now. I know you all will say I should have already tested but I haven't. I'm nervous. I thought for sure AF was coming. I had all my usual pre-menstrual symptoms. The day came and went with no sign of her. Today is looking that way too (it's about 3:20 pm where I'm at).

Last month, my period came 2 days early. So I'm half thinking my period will start tomorrow, to even things out. Should I test tomorrow? Or wait and see if AF does come?

If you made it to the end of this post, thank you for reading and letting my vent. It's been a nerve-wracking few days.