where to get tested

hi i’m 17 and mormon and i want to get tested for sti. i am very poor. i don’t even have insurance and no money for a doctor. i’m too afraid to tell my parents that i want to get tested bc in 17 and mormon. i would get kicked out. what do i do. i don’t have any symptoms or anything but my ex told me after he and i had sex , that he had chlamydia in the past but was treated. but i’m super paranoid cause i had sex and he kept that kind of information from me yk?? i think it’s illegal to do that. and he knew i would say no so tahts why he didn’t tell me till after. anyways we broke up 3 months ago and haven’t talked since then but i’m paranoid and i wanna get tested. how can i do that by myself without parents. and without money.