Kinda disappointed 😢

T • 🖤 👦🏼 👦🏼 👧 🖤

Today was my first ultrasound (8w5d), and I asked the technician if I could have a picture... she said “no, you can BUY a picture at the 20 week scan, there’s nothing really to see now anyways”. Umm, it’s my baby, I don’t consider it ‘nothing really’ 🥴. I asked her if I could take a picture of the screen to show my husband “No.” . I asked how far along I am, “I can’t tell you, you’ll just have to wait for your doctor to call”. Like seriously? I understand if that’s the policy but it seems so unfair that I can’t even take a picture with my own phone to show my husband, he’s not allowed to come with me because of covid which I totally get but damn. I was feeling so excited for this day and now I’m feeling sorta bummed that I didn’t get to share any part of it AT ALL with my husband 😞

Sorry just had to vent 😢