TTC while EBF .. 6 months pp and no period back yet:( any advices/tips?!!


Hi Ladies,

My lo will be 6 months in exactly 1 week and i have yet to have my period back yet. I have been doing ovulation test every single morning for the last 3 months to “try and catch that first egg” but have not gotten a positive ovulation test yet:(( I am so discouraged and stressed out because i want to ttc next baby asap (please no judgement i know most people would be delighted to not have their period yet but thats not what i want). I am EBF and do not want to stop at all (i know thats the reason im not getting my cycles back yet but theres gotta be something i can do?!!) . I will start solids next week on my son’s 6th month bday.

With my 1st i had my period back at 4 months pp and now i am 6 and nothing:(

Any tips/ advices on how to induce ovulation/periods? Herbs/ supplements etc etc?

I am already taking all my regular daily vitamins (prenatal+extra vit D and iron and other).