


Need some help or just some people who have gone through the same kind of thing! I am 5 weeks pregnant today and last night I had very light spotting.. not enough for it to get on my underwear or in the toilet. When I wiped there was a few drops on the toilet paper. Today it is gone and no sign of spotting. I have light cramps on and off and had a very dark positive pregnancy test this morning. Is this normal implantation bleeding?? I’m so nervous!

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I always spot during my pregnancies. I'm on baby #3 and my OB said some women just tend to spot. As long as it doesn't get heavy, clots or bad cramps I wouldn't worry.


Cheryll • Feb 7, 2021
Made me feel better too!


Christina • Feb 7, 2021
Thank you this made me feel better! It has stopped so I feel a bit better now!


Posted at
Not sure if it's normal but I had this happen with my second. All was fine and they couldn't find a reason for it. He is now 19 months. If you are worried, get checked or ask your doctor. Hope this helps and that all is well. Congratulations


Ren • Feb 7, 2021
I live in the Uk and they don't give you an ultra sound unless you are 6 weeks along. My ultrasound did not find any issues, so they sent me home


Ren • Feb 7, 2021
Sending best wishes your way


Cheryll • Feb 7, 2021
They should be able to see if there is a problem when they do a ultrasound if I’m not mistaken right?


Posted at
I had very light pink spotting but it stopped. Numbers still rising. But when I had red spotting with previous pregnancies it got worse and I miscarried. 🙏🏽🙏🏽


Posted at
I have question do you have it just in your first morning pee? Im havin this but only my first urine in the morning after that its all gone... 2 days in a row now... 5weeks and 4days i think. It made me worried i just wanna sleep now just we dont do intercourse coz im scared.


Ja • Feb 9, 2021
So it happened again but now just wiping in the morning thats it also waiting to ob nurse call. Hope everything fine for all of us.


Christina • Feb 8, 2021
I didn’t have it in the morning it was randomly one night but it only happened once and it has gone away. I went in today to get blood work and am going back Wednesday to get blood work to make sure my levels are rising like they should be. I would call and ask your doctor!