Bathtime Trauma


Alright mommas, I need some help. Long post ahead.

My daughter LOVED bathtime, like it was a fight to get her out when the water had become ice because she loved it so much. That has since changed.

My mom has a jacuzzi tub and her house and she watches her during the days while my husband and I are at work. She thought my daughter would love it because it would make the bubbles come up and move the water around. She did not. She screamed, peed, shook, everything. She hated it and has since refused to bathe at their house.

Fast forward to a week ago at our house, we also have a jacuzzi tub that we bathe her in. But we put her in a laundry basket and she only has a little bit of water to play in, so no chance of the jacuzzi scaring her, until she pressed the button on accident and it turned the motor on. It made a loud buzzing noise and she flipped out.

Since then, we haven't been able to get her in the bath without her screaming, shaking, and flailing. We've tried me getting in with her, new bath toys, using the shower. Nothing works.

I need ideas because my kid obviously is gonna need a bath and I don't want her to be miserable. I googled it and it pretty much says it'll go away with time and comfort and to bathe her less to decrease the negative experiences. But I will take any other thoughts you guys have too. Thanks!