Postpartum: Sex & Traumatic Birth

I had my baby last March, so a little over 10 months ago. Then a few months ago I had another surgery due to endometriosis. So between my extremely traumatic labor and birth experience, the c section and my other surgery, I am struggling with my body to say the least. Particularly my sex drive. It’s not that I’m just not in the mood per se, I literally freeze up and go into fight or flight mode when my husband tries to initiate sex. Sometimes I force myself through it, but most of the time I break down and cry. I really don’t know what’s wrong with me. It could be my hormones, PTSD from how rough last year was, or something else... I don’t even know.

Has anyone else experienced this after having a baby?

My husband has been super patient and understanding, but I know it takes a toll of him when I can’t manage to do anything sexual... I have so much guilt and get so down on myself.