Does cannabis give you medical benefits?

Weed helps me a lot even tho I grew up hating it. I never thought I’d use it but damn, life is a different place.

I was always underweight and since using it I’ve gained 2 stone in 6 months which is amazing! I just have the munchies allll the time.

I still have a life lol just think it helps me for pain relief, even heartburn etc it’s now my best friend 😂

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Definitely helps with my anxiety & occasional depression.


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It helps my anxiety and helps me sleep


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It helped me get off almost all my meds that I hated taking. My state is only legal for medical, and frowns upon pregnant women smoking so I'm clean until after I give birth and it sucks now


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It’s helped tremendously with my depression. It’s made my memory loss so much worse tho.


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It helps me with cramps and stomach issues!!


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I don’t use it but it definitely has great benefits for many conditions.


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It depends on the person everyone’s body reacts differently for me it makes me paranoid and dosent help for others it could calm them or help their back issues even cancer at some points .


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It can help with anxiety, but not really my stomach.


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Everyone is different. It does however help me and my husband with our anxiety and insomnia. I have to be very careful though, I don't use nearly as frequently as him and I have been waaay too high a time or two.


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Weed smokers who smoke regularly knows what I’m talking about . Everybody can’t smoke certain types or certain types of cigars an maybe some people can’t smoke at all. I’m speaking from my experience only