Breastfeeding While Pregnant


Hello mamas!

I recently found out I’m pregnant (I’m only 7 weeks today) and I have a 10 month old that I am still breastfeeding several times per day. I am also pumping in the evenings. A few weeks ago (around the time I got pregnant), my breast milk production just dropped off a cliff. For example, typically when I pump in the evening I can get anywhere between 5-8 ounces, depending on where I am in my cycle. Tonight I have pumped less than one ounce. I’ve been trying to google about breast milk decreasing while pregnant but I’m not finding much information at all. Can anybody share their own experience regarding breastfeeding while pregnant? Thank you in advance

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My milk dried up almost completely when I got pregnant again. My lo was 15 months at the time.


Sunshinestateofmind • Feb 7, 2021
He was very upset lol. He still comfort nursed for a while but we transitiined him to big boy drinks.


Haley • Feb 7, 2021
Thank you so much for responding - I was feeling really alone in this! How did your LO do with the drop in production? Since yours was 15 months, did you just switch to cows milk or do formula? Trying to figure out the best route for my 10mo.


Posted at
Not me but my cousin got pregnant 4 months pp. Her milk supply dried up within a month. She breastfed her second for 11 months so I assume the pregnancy was definitely why she dried up. Some women can nurse while pregnant and others dry up really soon. You could try extra hydration and extra pumping, but sometimes you just cant.


Kirsten • Feb 7, 2021
You could talk to your pediatrician, but most babies need formula or breastmilk until a year. Then you can switch to cows milk


Kirsten • Feb 7, 2021
Yes her first was formula fed from 5 months to a year and he did just fine. She never complained that he wouldnt eat


Haley • Feb 7, 2021
Thank you for responding! I really appreciate the input. I assume your cousin just had to make the quick switch to formula? How did her LO react? Thanks again for your help!


Posted at
I got pregnant when my daughter was 9 months and still nursed her until 13 months. She weaned herself off but I think that’s because my supply dropped a lot.


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My milk dried up at about 3 months, but I've been trying to wean my 23 month old for like 4 months now so thank goodness! Lol he still comfort nurses for like 30 seconds before bed but I dont think he actually gets much & im hoping within the next couple weeks he won't need that either!


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My first was 10 months when I became pregnant with baby #2 and we were still nursing about 8 times a day, whenever he wanted. He did eat food, of course, by then as well, but he had some food tolerance issues that we had to work out early on so he was very much reliant on me for his nourishment. I had a dip a couple weeks after I found out, around 6 weeks, but we also both came down with the flu at that time. I was a SAHM by then, so we just powered through, nursing as often as he wanted (more like 12 + times a day) for a few weeks. We successfully nursed til he self weaned at 18 month, about 4 weeks before baby came. I still had milk, but I knew it had thinned out and my supply had dropped, but he’d also been dropping feeds along the way, obviously. It was a great weaning experience with no discomfort or clogs or anything, but I was still sad to see our journey end. My goal had been two years, so I was hoping we might be able to tandem nurse for a while. I even tried offering a couple times when he got snuggly or sad after baby was born. He would kinda giggle like it was silly and turn his head away 😕It can be done, but hormones can definitely have an effect. If you’re getting enough rest, drinking plenty of water and eating enough calories and you’re still having trouble, that’s really all you can do. But a dip in supply doesn’t mean hope is lost. Sometimes you can work through it and/or build it back up


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I am 7 weeks and have noticed a huge decline in production. I’m still letting my 17 month old nurse as often as he wants but I know he’s not getting a lot. I just keep offering him plenty of water and letting him nurse on demand yet


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I got pregnant at 8 months PP and my milk completely dried up around 15-16 weeks. I tried so hard to keep going but when my milk completely dried up it became excruciating to breastfeed. Some woman continue as normal but I unfortunately wasn’t one of them.


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