Moving out pt 2

My dad and I got into another lil argument about my choice to move in with my bf + his family. We have already discussed my career and plan cause that is what he concerned with. Although he brought up the fact since my bf is black mixed he told me in person "I'm afraid if someone tries to shoot J***** , it will miss him and hit to instead" and brought up black lives matter. My boyfriend has kids but I have met his daughters and they'll call me "mommy" and I treat them as if they are my own. We also celebrated birthdays with their biological mother. My father doesn't think this will help my "independence" at all. Now he's saying I can free myself from any residual dependence on him. I told my career is in the process. Also everyone starts independence differently. I'm 24 now. My bf is 29 and a forest service firefighter + EMT. My mother who is religious is more accepting just except the fact we're not married. Btw parents are divorced. I've always lived with my mom. My dad is now telling me he's struggling to maintain his property which he never brought up until now that I moved in with my bf when he wanted me to save money for going to Occupational Therapy Program for a college im applying for. He was worried more for my career but now bringing up his financial issues saying that I don't have enough money. I also have a part time job working as a caregiver while applying to my school which my dad is trying to get me to change my mind on. Also my boyfriend's children do not live with him. He gets them maybe for a few days or a weekend. If anything maybe a few weeks. I pay for my share of rent, including now my own phone bill.

His whole argument is continuing to say that he doesn't understand why I'm moving out even though I have never lived with him fully before to begin with. I've always lived with my mom. Bringing up how it's difficult to be a young black man in america etc. Bringing up different reasons out of no where even though it's mainly my "independence" and career he's worried about.