March baby behind?

I just had baby #2 last week. My husband is on paternity leave currently. Last night he asked (not for the first time), if our daughter was “stupid”. 🤦‍♀️

I immediately got defensive. Because I spend every single day with her. And I don’t have any reason to believe she is delayed in any way. And despite him saying it’s “semantics”, calling your child stupid instead of asking if they are meeting milestones is very offensive.

He knows nothing about child development and he makes up his own little boxes he thinks she should be checking. Sigh.

So, I went over the two year old milestones with him at dinner last night. Here’s what she isn’t doing:

-Putting 2-4 word sentences together. She sometimes says things like “black cat”, but she doesn’t say like, “bye bye daddy” or “more, mommy”. She does use sign language to make sentences, but not really verbally.

-Sorting shapes/colors. She is getting the hang of colors, but shapes are pretty rough.

-Finish sentences of familiar books and songs.

-Makes or copies straight lines or circles. We haven’t really tried this though.

Should I be concerned? She’s really more interested in imaginative play, so I try to foster that because I don’t feel she is delayed in any area, just excelling in some more than others.

All of this transpired because she got out her animal puzzle and was making the animals play with each other instead of putting them in their designated spot. 🤦‍♀️