Starting ivf


Waiting on my next period (due feb 27th 🤞) to start taking birth control. Once my period starts I can call and make the appointment for our trial transfer (which will be done as soon as the bleeding stops) they said we will go from there to schedule the actually retrieval at a “<a href="">ivf</a> start day” appointment. I’m a wreck. Already. Who thought it got worse than a 2 week wait lol.

I really don’t know ANYTHING TO expect from here about what’s next, what the pain will be life during a trial long after that I’ll be on birth control exactly (they guestamated about 3-4 weeks)

Please someone any one who went through this what was your story? What was the trial transfer like? What was getting on birth control like? I’m in the dark here to <a href="">Ivf</a> world? Do we ask to test his sperm if they don’t even ask us?