Just need to vent... Kinda long...


I've been off work a little over a year now. At first it was because of the childcare situation then the pandemic hit here in the US so it became even harder to find a sitter and go to work so we decided it would be best for me to just stay home. So that means I've been cooped up in a 3bdrm apt with 2 kids for over a year. I'm also pregnant and that's not helping the situation. I'm thankful for my kids but omg I need a BREAK!! I just want to be alone for at least 24 hours. I have literally been with someone around for over a year. I'm usually very independent and kinda standoffish but it's hard to do with 2 kids in my care 24/7. My kids' grandparents do not help and I don't live close to my family. My bf thinks life is about partying (drinking and smoking) so his help is minimal. I'm just tired and really needing some ME TIME!! I want to be single but he doesn't get it. He thinks because I don't want him that it must be someone else... Like broooo I hate everyone right now. I don't want anybody especially pregnant with my 3rd kid. I am just at a point in my life where I'd much rather just be alone. Maybe I could get a break if he didn't live here and the kids would have somewhere else to go #RantOver