Negative opks after pill?


Hey guys

Just started TTC this month (I’ve been glued to google pretty much since the day I finished my pill on January 9th!)

I started withdrawal bleed Jan 12th, finished Jan 17th so it’s been almost a month. I counted day 1 of the withdrawal bleed as CD1 and so far I think I’m on CD27. Started taking the OPK strips on CD10 and here I am still with blazing negative OPKs. Considering the last time I had natural periods at 16 I had cycles anywhere from 21-41 days and I’ve been googling, I’m actually terrified right now that I may have a fertility issue. I’m in the UK and for some reason my GP doesn’t do preconception checkups either so it’s not like I can talk to a professional about it.

Are negative opks common after coming off the pill? I also have no idea when to expect my period either considering they’re all negative, so does anyone have any guidance? I’ve made myself panic so much! My mother got pregnant at the same age as me (23) on her first month off the pill - must be nice!