Scared to take a pregnancy test


I had a mmc 4 weeks ago and had medical management to trigger the mc.

Scan on the 14th of jan confirmed there was no sign of pregnancy left.

I took a test last week as it was 3 weeks since the mc and there was a really faint line (seen on a previous post of mine).

I know it could be my hcg levels dropping still, but there is a tiny slither of me that hopes I’m pregnant again 😔

my partner and I had sex 2 weeks after the mc & again a few days ago, and I feel like I’m ovulating this week but haven’t tested. (I can sometimes tell by a change in discharge and ovulation pains).

I know it’s silly but I’m scared to take another test in case I see a negative.. but on the other hand if it’s positive i will be terrified to mc again.

Can anyone else relate?

I’m telling myself to wait at least a week to test again, because if I have conceived again from sex a few days ago, it might show up.

I’m driving myself crazy. All I want is my pregnancy back 😔