My sister called me to bitch about her baby's gender

Me and my sister aren't talking right now because she decided to call me to bitch about her baby's gender. I understand gender disappointment is a real thing, but I was not the person she should have called about it. I have been trying for a baby for 4 years. I don't care if it would have been a boy or a girl. I finally got my BFP and I was so happy. I saw my baby at my first prenatal appointment and they were so small and had a strong 💓. I had no idea what happened after. I ended up having to reschedule my next appointment because my husband got hurt. I went in Thursday at 13 weeks and my baby had stopped growing and had no heartbeat. They explained that I had a missed miscarriage which is why my body didn't just miscarry the baby. I cried and they scheduled me for a d/c Monday. My family knows and I told my sister and this is what she says to me. "I mean you weren't even in your second trimester so its not a big deal." I was so hurt by what she said. She is on her third kid. She has two boys. She had her gender reveal love on Facebook yesterday and I didn't watch it because I was too depressed. She calls me crying about how she's having another boy. She says she really wants a girl and she doesn't want another boy. Who in there right mind thinks this is something to call your sister who just found out she lost her baby two days ago about. I told herbI was sorry, but I'm not the best person to talk to about this and I'm still mourning my baby's loss. She said "Wow, you only care about yourself." Then hung up. To put a cherry on the fucking cake she posts on her Facebook story a picture of her crying with words saying "Nobody cares about your pain. Its always about them." My husband told me to just stop talking to her. My husband and my sister already don't get along because in his words " She's a selfish bitch."