Can a judge divorce you without you knowing ?

Late last year my husband and I had a falling out. We went our own ways for about a month or two. He filed for a divorce. I haven’t signed anything but the paper stating I am aware of the “petition.” We met and talked the beginning of the year for him to realize he still loved me and wanted to make our family work. We’ve been together a little over a month now and things seem to be great. We had court 1/6 and neither of us went. They rescheduled and failed to tell us the date, we skipped it too. My question is, after skipping two dates for divorce (our first hearing) do they drop the case completely or can they legally finalize our divorce without either parties aware? He will be going to sign the withdrawal form when the courthouse opens, but I’d prefer some insight now. Thank you ladies! (Also I know this isn’t ttc related, but this is one of my most active groups, and probably the kindest!)