First time pregnancy need advice

I am 8 weeks and a few days pregnant..

I use to be a smoker of both cigarettes and weed.. Cigarettes was a easy quit along with weed.. That is until the morning sickness got worse and worse..

For 3 days straight I was vomiting every half hour to a hour... And the only thing I could hold down was water... You see when I puke I can't eat.. And I also have bipolar, depression, anxiety, insomnia and pts... And instead of taking a handful of pills I would smoke weed... I always had a issue swallowing pills... I have tried different methods that other mommies gave me that worked for them... They don't all work for everyone.. And I'm not picky but there are something's I won't do..

I know smoking is bad for the baby and I want my baby to be healthy... What worries me is that I'm not 100% healthy.. I don't have to vomit to loose my appetite.. My anxiety and depression does that just fine.. I know smoking weed in general is frowned upon.... Especially in virginia...

I don't have a ob doctor yet.. I am still pending for health insurance... I go through a free clinic for ultrasounds and my first one is on tuesday... I'm super nervous about loosing this baby because of my own issues... And the things I can't control... I don't know what to do.. Every day is different.. Some woman had the vomiting stop by 12 weeks some didnt.. I'm just trying to push through