Confused on stuff


Okay so right now it’s 5 am I have not slept yet.multiple reasons.

First off I can’t wrap my head around how mucinex helps women get pregnant I was so shocked and still trying to like think about it. It’s cold medicine not pre seed you know? Doctors also have recommended it???

Next I haven’t had my period yet and I’m 8 days late. I usually would be excited and think I’m pregnant but the other times I thought I was, I wasn’t. Like I would take a test it would say negative and then I would get my period so I don’t want to get my hopes up OR spend the money of the test just for it to be wasted.I’m usually just a day or 2 late, one time I was 2 weeks late and had my period so that’s why I’m just waiting to see. But it’s also weird because I get some symptoms that can be pms and pregnancy symptoms. So it’s like I never know. My boobs have been sore and almost have like growing pains. I always have back pain (that’s nothing new.) but my stomach has just been hurting. Not like in sharp pains but almost like muscle soreness. Besides the test is there any like small details that you notice when you’re pregnant? Another thing is before my period starts (like a week prior) I usually get super moody and I haven’t at all. I also can’t eat certain things now because it grosses me out i don’t know. I just need like other opinions or voices on this or if you guys went through this too 😅