Fertility clinic scan


So I went to the fertility clinic for the first time today for my AMH blood test and ultrasound scan.

A doctor still needs to go through the results with me but I do have fibres/fibroids I think the lady scanning me said. Not sure how many or how big, but she asked if I had heavy periods (I do). And I think she said something like - it might affect future options if it’s in the cavity eg <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>, and might affect implantation if it’s affecting the lining. Not sure Rly what that all means yet but I’m getting my consultation on Friday.

She scanned a 14mm follicle on the right ovary and 3 on the left, two at 15mm and one at 18mm (I’m on cycle day 14). She said I might have multiple ovulations. Again not sure what that all means!

So I’m a little bit nervous and confused but I am glad I’ve found out a possible reason we’re not getting pregnant. I just hope we can overcome it.