Covid Views


I wanted to see if anyone is possibly having the same issues - my parents and I disagree on a lot surrounding COVID.. while they wear masks and such, they have a “we still need to live our life” and “the numbers are inflated” mentality and go out and about a lot more than I’d like. I have a two year old and we see them semi regularly kind of pending what they’ve been up to. With the new baby, we are planning on them taking care of our two year old when we are in the hospital. They planned a trip to zion two weeks ahead of my due date, which concerns me with COVID... not only do I want to feel comfortable to have them meet their new grand daughter, I want to feel ok having them watch my son too and I don’t think traveling that close to my due date is very safe. What would you do? I am planning to talk to them but trying to figure out the best approach without ruffling too many feathers.

Edited to add: I’m also annoyed about a trip being planned so close to my due date but my moms response is if it looks like I may go into labor they won’t go or if they need to leave it’s only a 3 hour drive.

Am I being unreasonable?