Pink mucus when wiping after missed period

Tia • 36 married and mother to three little 👼👼👼 and my oldest son♡ TTC our 🌈🍼 after MC

Hi, I am now 41 days 'late' so I guess technically missed period. I had tested around the time AF was due but figured I could O a week late as AF has been a bit off, coming the latest 17days after predicted. All negative tests, waited a week and retested, negative... what confuses me is I don't usually spot when wiping then completely stop...but I did twice now. First was the day after AF was due, I wiped and it was pinkish but so I assumed AF was coming. She didn't. Now today I wiped this morning and it was looked like pink mucus...but stopped after an hr. I have a Dr appointment on the 19th and the gynecologist appointment on the 24th but I'm still in my head. The wait is killing me.

Has anyone has this type of spotting after a missed period or between periods. What was the outcome, what did it mean for you?