Any one here been struggling to conceive for years?

Just wondering if anyone has been struggling to conceive for long time?
We have been trying 5 years and nothing 😞 we had tests as I have endometriosis & fibromyalgia however I've had 3 ops and endo removed, last one month and half ago. The endo wasn't that bad and according to doctors was not stopping me getting pregnant. I ovulate pretty much regular last few years. Fibromyalgia is pretty under control with tablets and diet now. My husband has low mobility sperm but again doctors said that we should still be able to conceive just will take longer.
We considered our options and if we can't have our own baby we would try to adopt but would like to try have our own first. <a href="">IVF</a> is something the doctors have started to talk to us properly about now but I'm really scared, all them extra hormones and injections etc I'm scared that it might make my periods even worse and they pretty damn near feel like they are killing me know, a lot of the time I'm on morphine for at least first day as well as how it would effect my other medicial conditions. 
We considered surrogacy but although expensive I'm more worried about finding someone we could trust with such a big thing as our own baby with no legal rights to him/her as the one carrying the baby does. (UK Law) What if they changed their mind and kept our baby that we so long for, I don't think I could cope. Private adoption is not allowed in UK. 
Think what I'm asking is their anyone out there that is going through this having to make decisions about what route to take as its all so hard and I don't what's the right answer! We would make wonderful parents I know that, we are surrogate Aunty & uncle to about 30 kids with all our friends & family's kids. We the first to be asked to babysit, we take them out lots (not all at the same time lol) we bake, do crafts, sports, school projects and I even help with homework. We would be so greatful for just one child. 