Baby super cranky, barely eating, constipated, not happy.. etc

Justine ♡ • MAMA to a beautiful boy. ♡

Before I start, i know this is something to mention to my babies pediatrician.. not random people on the internet, which I will but until tomorrow.. just want to hear some advice or thoughts.

So, today & yesterday my baby barely ate.. he usually eats a lot of 8oz bottles throughout the day, maybe like 6? We wake up around 8/9 AM to start the day.

(Every 2/4 hours, depending. He’s on the bigger side so it isn’t uncommon.)

He’s been crying all day, fussy non stop..

Very moody, barely smiling, barely laughing, hardly any naps.. his naps last like anywhere from 5 minutes to 25 min (if I’m lucky.) The not smiling & being very straight faced started a few weeks ago, ironically after his 4 months shots.. (not blaming those but, just saying.) He hasn’t pooped in 2 days, so I know that’s adding to the current moodiness but it isn’t like this is the only time he’s been moody.. ^^ like I mentioned, it’s started a few weeks back.

The constant uncomfortableness, whining, fussing, crying etc.

The formula he’s on is Similac Soy Isomil.

Idk if maybe the formula is making him feel ill all the time or what it is but ANY advice would be helpful. 💗