19 🍁 smokerr unexpected pregnancy!

🥀💛Please no judgment this is all overwhelming and scary enough,,,{posting in multiple groups}

I’m only 19 and have just found out me and my boyfriend are 6 weeks pregnant (we’ve been together for just under a year he’s 21 but still lives at home and is on an apprentice wage)

I don’t live at home but I wouldn’t say I’m financially ‘stable’ but have a good family support. My family and support networks love and support me very much but I honestly don’t think anyone is going to expect me to make the decision to keep the baby, it feels selfish of me but I don’t think I can go though the emotional turmoil of terminating the pregnancy.

The issue I’m seeking advice in is that I smoke bud (mixed with tobacco and mostly using bongs) full time and have done for the last 3 years. I know I need to stop smoking at least ingesting through bongs but I am having trouble cutting down, it’s just such a part of my daily routine I know it’s an addiction. My body is depended on it to sleep, eat even shit tbh but nether the less I know quitting if the best thing to do for myself and the foetus.

It’s only been three days since I found out I was pregnant and I have cut down significantly, I never thought I would have to stop especially for something like this and it’s hard man.

Anyways sorry if this is too long winded but had anyone had a similar experience or can just offer advice. I’ve heard that if I try going cold turkey the stress that will cause my body would be worse and I should cut down slowly??? Please halp x