Normal amount? (TMI)

Hello! Last month my period was very heavy. Which wasn’t normal when my cycle was regular . I’m assuming my last cycle was so heavy because it was my 1st one in almost 6-7 months due to having the Nexaplanon ( I had it removed December 9th 2020). I just started my cycle today but it’s very very light. This morning it was a medium flow (which lasted me 1 tampon=1 hour) I recently just took another tampon out that I had in for about 2 hours and was moving around a lot as I was doing things around my house and the tampon only had about the size of 2 quarters worth of blood on it. When I was having my periods regularly they were light/medium but NEVER this light. I haven’t taken a Pregnancy test in about a week. But I don’t think this is implantation bleeding... any ideas?

-I am new here, please no negative comments . TIA