Not sleeping for more than 14 hrs


Hii friends! My boy 77 days old. Before He used to sleep for 4 hrs in day time and 8 hrs at night. Now it's totally different. He is not sleeping for an hour during day and at night he goes to sleep only by 1am and wakes at 9 am next day with feedings inbtw sleep . It continues . I'm really Tired! He is doing like this for the past 10 days. Even if he is awake he is not playing , always crying. Before all he used to give sound's , nowadays he is screaming. I couldn't differntiate whether he is speaking or crying. We took him for vaccine two days before. Even before that he behaved the same. While feeding he is rubbing his eyes . after feeding if i put him for sleep. He wakes up . Kindly help me. For two months he was really sweet had a very good sleep pattern. Now everything changed! Is all these Normal.?