What people seem to not understand.

Kayli • boy mom in alaska

I think this app is very important, and my all means I am not trying to trump upon those who are going to make their own decisions. Everyone has the right to do whatever they feel like doing, but I feel like I need to say what I am going to say now.

I have experienced a lot. I have experienced a child dying in my arms at a run down hospital, with nurses who had the respect of a spider for me because I was a "teenage mother" for a few minutes.

Teenagers becoming parents is all but too common in the world today. And sure, sometimes there are religious or cultural outlooks on the event, but for the most part, this is an epidemic that I believe is not taught enough.

Now, there is a number of reasons a teen may end up pregnant. Lack of protection, tragic events like rape, or a teen TTC (or not).

Believe it or not, SEX. MAKES. BABIES.

I took a look at this app today and found over 200 girls UNDER the age of 15 TTC with their much, much older partners. Or even not much older.

To those in this place, I have some advice. Think about what you are about to do. You are about to have sex, with a MAN. Someone who is probably not thinking with their head and thinking of more about what is downstairs. In most states in the USA there is a gap of two years and if they guy is over the age of 18 it is considered rape. LOOK INTO THE RULE BOOK. aka, laws of your providence.

Another thing to seriously understand... your parents WILL find out, eventually. They lost their virginity once. They know what the signs are. Whether it is after finding condoms in your dresser drawer from your mom putting away our laundry, or a bump under your shirt or sometimes even the doctor, or yourself, they will find out. TALK TO THEM IF YOU CAN. If you get pregnant, you will NEED someone to lean on, and in the end, your partner might not be that person. Wouldn't you want your kids to tell you, too?!

If you have ever watched the show 16 and pregnant or teen mom, you would recognize the struggles that every single one of those moms went through and they are usually going through that same struggle for the first five years their baby is in their life.

Do you have the financial support to support your child on your own?

Will you be able to complete school or your career even, with a child?

Do you have support in your corner, besides your partner?

I am NOT trying to even change anyone's mind on here today. I just don't think half the people on this app understand that life is not always a bowl of chocolates. Babies are a blessing. Babies are fun and it is good to desire to have a family. But in order to take care of a family - YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FIRST.

Parenting at any age, requires a great deal of sacrifice, responsibility and hard work and unfortunately there are even greater costs involved for a teen parent. A lot of teens I know are unaware of what it means to put someone else's needs ahead of their own.

You know the statistics. If you have a baby as a teen, you might not finish high school, you might not have a job, you might be living with your parents for a long time, and you might be living in poverty for more than 10 years.

Of course, most teens don't want to be part of the statistics. Everyone has hopes and dreams to have a good life. I encourage all of you, even if you are teen moms or aspiring teen moms to finish your education. Whether that means finishing high school or even pursuing college. Shoot for your dreams even with a baby if that is what you desire. You want to provide the best life for your child, even if you may be a child yourself.

To those who are TTC, good luck. I sincerely hope everything works out for everyone! Have a wonderful day.