Day 9: Happy Black History Month



Day 9: Black women have been sexualized since the beginning of time. We all are fascinated with things we can't have and the more we can't have it the more we want it. White women were jealous of this beautiful black women, white men were tempted to touch her and feel her body. This woman name is Sarah Baartman, an South African Khoikhoi women whose body was put on display in a museum during the 19th century. She was label a "freak show" for having large buttocks, wide hips, and elongated labia. Her features were heavily exaggerated in pictures to show how how "savage and wild" African Americans really are. She was compared to a monkey by white people. However, White men were fascinated with her body and treated her as an object or a piece of candy they wanted to have but couldn't. Sarah Baartman was forced to perform for white audiences she was kidnapped from South Africa and taken to France and London in 1810. She was forced to perform in 1814. She died in 1815 although the exact cause is unknown it could be pneumonia, syphilis, or alcohol however even after her death her brain, skeleton, and sexual organs were on display in a museum in jars until 1974. Even after her death, Sarah(Saartije)Baartman was still used as a form of entertainment, she was still mocked and ridiculed for her body. It wasn't until 2002, 187 years after her death, 28 years after her body display did the French museum give South Africa her remains after a lot of pressure from the South African government. The humanity of Sarah Baartman was destroyed she was nothing more than ass and hips to them however, not in this post Sarah Baartman was more than ass and hips she was a black woman with hopes and dreams. She was a daughter, a friend, a human. She was a human and she was capable of feeling happy, sad, scared and insecure. She had a voice and she among every black women is worthy of respect. Also I will not be putting a picture because I don't want her body to be on display anymore.

Somebody asked her real name and her real name is Saartije Baartman.

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Posted at
I have a lot of knowledge on this topic and every time I read about it I tear up.Its sad how we were ridiculed for the same features people are PURCHASING and almost dying on the surgery table for.People want to be black without the oppression.


Posted at
I cannot imagine the trauma Saartije Baartman suffered being put on display in that way and being objectified and completely dehumanized. That the inhumane treatment of her continued after she died and that it took intense pressure from the South African government for her to finally be laid to rest in her homeland is an appalling and heartbreaking testament to and indictment of the vileness of humanity. Saartije should never have been treated this way. Thank you for not showing a picture of her and furthering the abuse of this woman. I truly do commend you for that. Rest in peace, Saartige Baartman.


Posted at
Shamya please come to England and educate us!! This has made me cry, we as black people have suffered and we still are, even to this day I’ve heard white men say “ I’ve heard black women are better in bed” “are you pink down there? Black women are more loving in bed” the list goes on 😔Thank you for educating me 💜


. • Feb 10, 2021
You just brought back memories from my dating days. It was always the white men asking what color I am down there and wanting me to be their “chocolate cherry” that they wanted to burst 🤮


🎀☃ • Feb 9, 2021
Right! Like I wish they would think before they speak


Abnormality • Feb 9, 2021
Where I live it’s predominantly white like honestly if I had £1 for every time a white man asked me those disgusting questions I’d be rich 😞😔


Posted at
This is dehumanizing and so depressing. My heart hurts for her. I might be wrong but you said she died 1815 and said that 8 years after she died in 2002, the French museum gave back her body. I’m sorry, the dates don’t add up 🙈 I’m sure it’s a mistake.


Shamya • Feb 9, 2021
Not 8 years sorry i was typing fast I'll fix it thanks


Posted at
Does anyone know her true name? I’m sure Sarah was just given to her when she was enslaved.


lk 🇨🇦🇺🇲 • Feb 9, 2021


lk 🇨🇦🇺🇲 • Feb 9, 2021
Thank you all for the information provided her. I will be doing more research.


Me • Feb 9, 2021


Posted at
Heartbreaking... but still important to share her story. 🤎🖤


Posted at
That is so dehumanizing and awful. That poor woman. And to think it took this long for even her remains to be given their proper respect.


Posted at
That's a huge reason why we have a whole coloured population here (coloured being an actual racial class here and not a racial slur) - because of this fascination. My husband is coloured but one of his great (think just one great) grandfather was Welsh or something; he doesn't know the rest of his family tree to know where his other great grandparents came from. His mom's maiden surname is of Welsh descent, his (and my married) surname is a fully South African, typically coloured surname which seems to have originated around the late 1800s.It's a disgrace what was done to Sarah.