Ivf financial questions! Help



So we started <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> last year. Did retrieval in October and my transfer is this Friday. We paid a specific amount for the retrieval and we signed a paper so we knew how much it would be minus meds of course. Same with transfer, signed a paper not including meds. Then they tell me prices went up this year and now there is about $300 increase for transfer. We said okay and signed that we were aware of the increase. But before my transfer I had 3 ultrasounds because my lining wasn’t ready. Now I’m paying about $400 more than the new signed upon amount because they said “normally you only need two ultrasounds before transfer”. But no where on the paper we signed does it give any specific amount of ultrasounds. It just said ultrasounds are included in that price. So we are just lost. Like why is it our fault the doctor predicted my cycle wrong so I had to come in again? And also now they are saying I may have a balance due from my retrieval of about 790 because they said prices increased then but they weren’t aware. The financial coordinator was out on medical leave during retrieval process. But I never signed nothing about an increase in payment for retrieval. This is all a hot mess and my transfer is in a few days and I’m already stressing out. The financial coordinator said that after transfer she will talk to the hospitals financial person about how they will proceed and that this is happening with a few people but she can’t talk to this person until my cycle is over. Just frustrating all around!

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Isn&#x27;t the original paper you signed a contract?? You already had an agreement in place. I would ask about that.