Pregnancy and HSP? ☺

Johanna • 27 y/o RN. Engaged since 18 dec 2013 and ttc:ing (on and off due to previous work) since April 2014.

Hi, my name is Johanna and I was wondering if any of you ladies out there has any experience with pregnancy and being a HSP-person? For those of you who don't know what HSP is; it stands for highly sensitve person. It is not a disease, a disability or a diagnosis of any kind, it's more of a way to describe a typ of personality. For example; I often become more upset, angry or sad than the average person would be because of "silly things", but I can also feel extrem happiness over things other people hardly notice and I'm very easely moved. I'm sensitve to loud noises and often hears undertones in things people say, thereby over interpreting what they actually are saying. People often tell me "you're too emotionell" or "don't overreact".

I haven't gotten my BFP yet but I'm a bit worried about my emotional well-being when I (finaly) do. If I am this sensitve now, how will I be whilst being pregnant?

Anyone who has any kind of experience with this, please share it with me.

Thanks 💕