Ovulation Test Positive at 9DPO

mdw💝 • Married❗️Family of 🙎🏾‍♀️🙎🏽‍♂️🙇🏽‍♀️ 👶🏽

I asked a small group this already but wanted to hear from a broader audience:

I had spotting from CD18-CD21. At first I thought it was my period coming extremely early. (It was when I wiped and then some brown old blood would be on the panty liner. Not enough blood to wear a pad)

Then I thought maybe it was from sex. During that time I was testing for ovulation as well. CD18-CD19 I had high LH on Clearblue Advance digital ovulation test. Then CD20 I had peak even though I was still spotting.

Ovulation was set at CD21, which makes me 9DPO today.

I took a test today it was BFN, which is really early—I know! But at the same time I took an ovulation test and it was peak.

I started thinking well maybe I was on my period then, which would make this CD13. I wanted to be sure the test wasn’t faulty so I opened a new box and I got another peak. My husband and I baby danced today and will the next two days as well just to be safe.

Here’s my thoughts the ovulation test is having a surge from low hcg levels or I am ovulating again🥴

I really hope it’s the first one. I am exhausted and I feel pulling in my lower abdomen—not what to make of it!

Tell me your thoughts please!!