Am I ovulating? EWCM, missed 2 bc pills

Hey ladies! I would like to hear what y’all are thinking. Like most of us in this group I’m trying to conceive baby #2 (at least for me) Started attempting in July 2020 periods were wack so I went to the OB to figure it out. Long story short I was told to get back in birth control for 3 months despite wanting to be pregnant already.

Fast forward to now. I started my third pill pack last Wednesday- missed 2 pills in the first week ( I know that you can ovulate- but as a PCOS girl I’m skeptical if I will or that I have)

Hubby and I did the deed Sunday and tonight. Yesterday I had a raging headache, dull aches in my lower back like cramps that you would get with your period. Now I went to the bathroom and noticed I was wet- I showered after hubby finished in me so it was not leftovers.

I think it’s EWCM? What do y’all think? I have opks but have not tested bc I know those tend to be wonky for us.