GS Sac and Yolk but no baby


Hello everyone! I am very upset. Two nights ago I had some unusual cramps and when I used the restroom had a small amount of pinkish/brown blood. I went to the hospital. They tested my hcg levels- currently marking around 6,200. They also did a pelvic exam and said my cervix looked good and closed! They gave me an ultrasound... we could only locate gestational sac and yolk but no baby :(. My last period was Dec 29th.. so I would be at 6 weeks.

I’m so nervous. I have to go for follow up blood work this Friday. She said this can be normal but if my levels go down then she assumes miscarriage. :( has any other ladies experienced this?

I also had a cyst on each ovary which she said could explain the sharp pains I was experiencing!