5 cm dilated 60% effaced but NOT in labor!?



I was sent home from the hospital last night because I stopped progressing. My contractions stayed consistent but I wasn’t in agony.

As of right now I’m having contractions but not consistent.

I’m 37 weeks & 4 days. Is there a possibility I still make it to my due date? Or does it sound like I could go today? I’m ready to have this baby!!!

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Posted at
honestly the worst contractions came after my water broke. its weird they sent you home though....


Posted at
You could stay 5cm for another week or two. Full term has been redefined as 38 weeks so it is still a little early unfortunately. Try to rest and stay relaxed.


Posted at
I have had 2 babies at 37w5d and they both could've used more time in there, but they were/are healthy. Being at home until the contractions stay consistent and progressively get worse is ideal. If they kept you while stalled, you would've been more likely to have medical interventions that you might avoid with laboring at home a bit longer.Have you seen your bloody show?


Posted at
I've had it both ways. I was 5 cm 80% at 37 weeks 4 days labor stalled, and they sent me home with my first son I didn't have him til I was induced at 40 weeks. My last son I was 5cm 50% and they kept me and labored stalled out and they induced it and I had him the next day, I was 37 weeks on the dot.


Posted at
I’m shocked they’d send you home being that dilated.. I imagined they would have broken your water or something to get you further along.