1st Clomid cycle, severe cramping at end of TWW.


Has anyone else experienced this?

1st clomid round and 13dpo. I rarely get cramping before AF, usually day of or after. Last night I started cramping so bad that I literally couldn’t walk. The cramps we lower center abd and when I stood, I couldn’t stand straight and my legs were jello from the pain. It took everything in me to not throw up. It lasted about an hour and then became mild through out the night.

Every morning I wake up with my, now 4 lb, kitten sleeping on my belly. This morning, the second his paw hit my belly, it woke me and sent pains all through out my abdomen and it lasted for about 10 mins.

I tested this morning and got a BFN so I am not assuming is BFP related. I’m think it might have something to do with the clomid as that is the only thing different this month. Never is my 20 years of having periods(34y/o) have I experienced this. It’s weeks now since I took clomid, could it still be messing with my hormones? Maybe a cyst ruptured or something. Idk... Any ideas?